Rewriting Your Story with God

Do you feel stuck, but don't know how or where to pursue change?
Are you looking for a Christian approach to healing that is affordable?
Do you want to connect with other like-minded women, but don't know where to look?
Enter into the Beauty of God's Story for Your Life

Right now the need for healing is greater than ever. 

In Christ is found all truth, goodness and beauty.  It's time to partner with Him to seek the fullness He has for YOUR life!






“Karen has strategically created a masterpiece course that combines the greatest aspects of psychology, coaching, Catholic spirituality, and inner healing prayer. A much needed and long awaited product that fills a poverty many of us didn’t even know we had. Karen’s energetic approachability is her loveliest trait. Her wisdom and candor follow suit. However, my favorite part about this course is receiving the freedom that God had waiting for me."

Erin Ingold
Certified Life Coach, Metanoia Catholic


    • the roots of your struggles and the wounds that need healing.
    • that our behavioral struggles are often, at the core, a response to shame and a wounded heart.


    • the lie that says there is something intrinsically wrong with you.
    • the shame that comes from feeling you aren't enough and bring it into the light.


    • yourself back into unity with God and His never-ending mercy.
    • lies into light of truth and wounds into the light of love. 


    • to make sense of your story and discover how you got to where you are today.
    • to break free from shame and rest in the Father's unconditional love.


    • responsibility for your thoughts, your life, and the resulting emotions and behaviors. 
    • time to rest in the love of God through habits of prayer and Christian meditation.


    • the habit of thinking about your thinking and taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ.
    • gentle intentional awareness and vulnerability, which pave a path to freedom & the healing shame. 

"I enjoyed the group course because even though we were different ages, backgrounds, stages of life - married not married- we were able to share our stories. Through this sharing, I realized how closely each one of us is called to walk with Christ -  no matter the circumstances of our lives. Our stories our wounds were so similar - I didn’t feel isolated and alone in my pain. My path for healing has been enriched and sustained because I did this course with other women."


What You Get

Over 3 Hours of Video & Audio Content

Custom Prayers for Surrender & Divine Protection, Repentance, Forgiveness, Removing Soul Ties, Healing Your Image of God

Guided Meditations to Help Increase Your Intimacy with God & Quiet Your Heart & Mind

Exercises to Help You Practice Gratitude in the Present Moment & Focus Your Attention Away from Anxious Thoughts

40 Page Downloadable Workbook for Journaling & Note Taking

Techniques to Help You Rewrite &
Re-conceptualize Your Story Through God’s Eyes

Documents & Prayer Exercises to Help You Identify & Change the Lies that You Have Been Believing about Yourself

List of Key Scriptures for Memorization & Meditation to Help You Know & Internalize Your Identity in Christ

Scheduled Bonus LIVE Teaching / Question & Answer Sessions with Karen

Interactive Support Community with OtherLike-Minded Christians Seeking Healing

"Karen’s digital course was a God-send! It felt like I was getting to talk with a counselor, a spiritual director and a friend. Her videos gently guide you through your life story with God as the true guide, and Karen’s resources are invaluable. I have gone back to the meditations time and time again for comfort peace and to help me with my prayer time. I have learned how to rest in God’s love during my prayer time and have noticed a deepening of my faith. It’s truly incredible what this digital course is capable of doing if you allow it. The Holy Spirit is working through Karen and this course and I highly suggest that you join!"

Stephanie, 500 Seconds to Joy Podcast host 

Course Pricing
(original course value)

NOW... $149!!!

Lifetime access to Rewriting Your Story with God

$149 USD

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Lifetime access to course - Paid over 3 months

3 payments of

$50 USD

per month

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Meet Karen

Karen Cruess is a licensed counselor and gifted speaker with a passion for helping women experience the fullness of God’s plan for their lives.

Karen has been married to her husband Scott for 15 years and is the mother to 7 beautiful children.  She received her Masters in counseling from Franciscan University of Steubenville and has been practicing counseling for over 15 years, working with women from all backgrounds and walks of life.  She is also the host of the Heal, Equip, & Release Podcast, where she passionately shares inspiration and practical tips to help women experience healing and restoration so as to enable them to fulfill the mission God has placed on their lives.  

Karen developed her course, Rewriting Your Story with God, in response to the growing need for healing resources in our world today. She firmly believes that as women seek healing through prayer, Christian meditation, intimacy with God, and faith-filled community, deeper joy, peace, and transformation is the natural consequence.